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FUN TRIVIA: Lily put earned the title of the smallest cat in the world from the Guinness World Records in October 19, 2013 surpassing fizz girl. with ten years almost the maximum age of its brief its measurements were barely 5.25 inches from the floor to which shoulders. This little munchkin cat was born in California USA.

Our TOP 4 spot is DEVON REX! The Devon Rex is a breed of intelligent, talleared, shorthaired cat that emerged in England during the late 1950s. They are known for their slender bodies, wavy coat, and large ears. This breed of cat is capable of learning difficult tricks but can be hard to motivate.

The Devon Rex is a breed of cat with a curly, very soft short coat similar to that of the Cornish Rex. They are often thought of as one of the most hypoallergenic cats available because of their type of coat. However, they are technically not hypoallergenic.

The first Devon was discovered by Beryl Cox in Buckfastleigh, Devon, UK, in 1959. The breed was initially thought to be linked with the Cornish Rex; however, test mating proved otherwise.

Cats have three types of hair: guard hair, awn hair, and down hair. The Devon Rex's coat is unusual because there is little guard hair. (See Cornish Rex and Sphynx for more information on hairdeficient genetics in cats.)

The curl in Devon Rex fur is caused by a different mutation and gene than that of the Cornish Rex and German Rex, and breeding of a Devon with either of those cats results in cats without rexed (curled) fur. Devons, which are mediumsized cats, are often called "pixie cats" or "alien cats" because of their unique appearance.

Their uncommonly large, slightly rounded ears are set low on the sides of their wide heads, their eyes are large, and their noses are slightly upturned. Unlike most cats, their whiskers are very short and often curled to such an extent that it may appear as if they have no whiskers. Their body type is distinctly lightly built. Their long, sturdy legs are well suited for long leaps, and their toes are unusually large.

Our NO.5 spot goes to AMERICAN CURL! The American Curl is a breed of cat characterized by its unusual ears, which curl back from the face toward the center of the back of the skull. An American Curl's ears should be handled carefully because rough handling may damage the cartilage in the ear.The breed originated in Lakewood, California, as the result of a spontaneous mutation.

The first American Curls appeared as strays on the door step of the Rugas in Lakewood, California in June 1981. The black female, named Shulamith, gave birth to a litter of cats with the same curled ears, and so became the ancestor of all American Curls today. In 1986, an American Curl was exhibited at a cat show for the first time, and in 1992, the longhaired American Curl was given championship status by The International Cat Association (TICA). In 1999, the American Curl became the first breed admitted to the Cat Fanciers' Association (CFA) Championship Class with both longhair and shorthair divisions.

The American Curl is a mediumsized cat 5–10 lb (2.3–4.5 kg), and does not reach maturity until 2–3 years of age. Females should be between 5–8 lb (2.3–3.6 kg) and males 7–10 lb (3.2–4.5 kg). They are strong and healthy.

American Curl kittens are born with straight ears, which begin to curl within fortyeight hours. After four months, their ears will not curl any longer, and should be hard and stiff to the touch at the base of the ear with flexible tips. A pet quality American Curl may have almost straight ears, but showcats must have ears that curl in an arc between 90 and 180 degrees. A 90 degrees is preferable, but cats will be disqualified if their ears touch the back of their skulls.

Both longhaired and shorthaired American Curls have soft, silky coats which lie flat against their bodies.They require little grooming and enjoy spending time with their owners.

The American Curl, while still an uncommon breed, is found across the world in the United States, Spain, France, Japan, Russia, and many other countries.

And that's it our TOP 5 SMALLEST CAT BREED 2020! Stay tune to our channel for more exciting episodes. It's so cool to be SMART coz' KNOWLEDGE is POWER!!!

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posted by Laponkamah