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Tom Haviland 320kg Zercher! Tiger Woods on TRT? Big Lifts In Qatar! - Sika News

Sika Strength

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00:00 Eoin Squats 300kg
01:35 Big Lifters In Qatar
07:58 Lasha Climbs A Mountain
09:34 Nadeszha 180kg FS + Jerk
11:33 Li Dayin 220kg Front Squat
13:09 Artem 160kg Hang Snatch
13:57 Rakuei 170kg Squat Jerk
15:09 Karlas 250kgx2 Front Squat
17:08 Lee Sang Jacked
18:22 Tom Haviland 320kg Zercher
20:43 Kyle Tang 275kg Squat
21:55 EASY 317.5kg Bench
23:55 BJ 250kgx3 Front Squat
25:07 C3 Muscle 265kgx5 Pause Back Squat
27:06 Mason 300kgx4 Squat
28:18 Tiger Woods on TRT?
31:06 NFL Punter Squats 265kg
35:33 Hugh Jack Man Getting JACKED
37:52 Ross Edegley is JACKED

posted by Schmardauyp