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'Til the end teacher puts students' lives before hers in sinking ferry

Arirang News

A total of 14 teachers from Danwon High School were on the illfated trip to Jeju, when the Sewolho ferry sank.
Three teachers were rescued, while 11 remained unaccounted for.
One of those who didn't make it... is a teacher, who until the end... was more concerned about her students, than herself.
Connie Lee has the story. In the last desperate moments before the ship was going down...
a daughter texts her mother.

"Mom, the ship is sinking."

In shock and confused,... the mother calls her daughter, [ ] Jeon Suyoung right away.

" ' , ' . ."
[ : I told her, 'hurry wear a life vest.' But all she said was 'Mom, the students are all wearing life vests.' Now that I think about it, this meant that students had life vests on, while she didn't.]

To her boyfriend, Suyoung texts him that, "there are no life vests... I'm sorry."

The boyfriend calls her immediately, but they hang up after 12 seconds on the line.
Suyoung tells him that she needs to call her students' parents.

" ."
[ : She said the ship was sinking and that she had to quickly get all her students in life vests. We hung up shortly after. She said her battery was running low, and that she needed to call her students' parents.]

Her last words to her boyfriend... "I love you" and "Thank you."

It was Suyoung's second year as a homeroom teacher at Danwon High School.
And as for the school's yearly field trip this one to Jeju island on the [ ] Sewolho ferry, was her first.

Her room remains untouched... since the day she left for the illfated trip.
Her bike too... remains parked... waiting for Suyoung to return.
Apparently her grandmother is also waiting... for her granddaughter to come home safely.

" . . ."
[ : Her grandmother still believes that she is alive. She says that her granddaughter is safely inside the ship. She continues to believe that.]

But as much as there is sadness over the loss... her mother is also proud of her daughter... who put the lives of her students before her own.
Connie Lee, Arirang News.

posted by machflyh3