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THIS IS HOW WE MANUFACTURE SACTIONALS | Get off the Couch Ep157 | Shawn Nelson | CEO of LOVESAC

Shawn Nelson

There has been a lot of talk in the media and national conversation about manufacturing overseas and the impact that is having on business, worldwide. Believe it or not, China has played a huge role in Lovesac’s coming up and scaling our Lovesac couch platform, #Sactionals.


You really have to read the writing on the wall for #Lovesac and see what we're doing here and how it's different from what every other furniture brand and retailer is doing. We're playing a long game.

If you don’t know my story, I learned Chinese when I was 19 years old I did a service mission for my church and knowing the language has been a huge blessing in helping me develop personal and meaningful relationships with my Manufacturing partners. These relationships are everything. But you want to know the real secrets of maintaining great relationships in Asia? Eating together in particular SEAFOOD.

Lovesac began looking outside of China for new suppliers 2 years ago, well ahead of the curve when Trump’s costly tariff debacle took root. But, looking forward, this distracting situation has really forced our hand to move our manufacturing even more rapidly out of China to other countries in the region: Vietnam, Malaysia.

We also have other countries on our list and ultimately we'd love to move a lot of our manufacturing back to America, but, in the meantime we now have the opportunity to employ people in all these other great countries in the region and we’re having a lot of fun traveling and make a new friend and meeting new people. We also found that some of our current Chinese vendors wanted to build factories on our behalf in these new countries as well same quality products no matter where we build it.

We are relentless in terms of product quality design and delivering that Lovesac to the people who support us. Our customers the #LovesacFamily

So this episode covers all that and shows you inside how #Sactionals are madedown to the millimeter.

You can read more about what we are up to and follow me on social!




posted by batmenc1