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Things you Should be told Before getting a Hawk

Mercer Falconry

In this video I will be going over some things you should be told before getting a bird of prey. There are many things you should know before getting a hawk and many things you need to know before getting a bird of prey. I get contacted all the time by people wanting to get themselves a bird of prey or get into falconry. And while its good that people are reaching out and seeking that advice rather than just getting a hawk without knowing what to do with it. There are some important things you need to be told before doing so, things like do hawks cost a lot of money, and do hawks take a lot of time. So in this video, im going to tell you some difficult truths about getting a bird of prey. And this is not just my opinion, I asked a bunch of my falconry friends with varying levels of experience what should be included so ive got a good mix of things to go through.

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Music by Juan Sánchez Woolgathering
Music by Andres Jacque Earth's Music
Music by Nil Dey Memories Make Your Lips Smile But Eyes Sad

#falconry #hawk #birdofprey

posted by byncEnescerneea