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They're Trying to Kill Us

Alan Goldhamer

From Executive Producers Chris Paul and Billie Eilish, and Codirectors Keegan Kuhn (Cowspiracy, What The Health) and John Lewis (Public figure and speaker) comes a feature length documentary followup to the awardwinning film What The Health. This documentary featuring Dr. Alan Goldhamer and the TrueNorth Health Center focuses on food injustice told through the lens of Hip Hop and urban culture and is available to watch exclusively here:

The film features notable influencers from the fields of Hip Hop, medicine, sports, entertainment, policy, and politics weighing in on the singular most deadly threat to American society that mainstream media doesn't want to talk about.

Your $20 purchase not only gives you access to one of the most revolutionary selfreleased films ever made, but also acts as a charitable donation.

The production company behind the film will be donating 50% of all sales to charities that help communities in need, with the other 50% being donated to the TrueNorth Health Foundation to aid in our mission of research and education about the physiological and clinical effects of medically supervised, wateronly fasting followed by an exclusively wholeplantfood diet.

posted by vordert2h