"There's Something Wrong with Katie," originally released in 2018, was made by writer/director Sean Louis Kelly during his time as a high school film teacher, with a team of twentyfive students. The movie is not only an unforgettable horror comedy that feels like mashup between "The Breakfast Club" and "The Exorcist", but also a testament to the passion, talent, and dedication of tomorrow's creatives.
“The 666 Edition” is a fully remastered version of the original film to commemorate its six year anniversary. This updated edition includes new edits, new coloring, a new sound mix, and a host of new and improved visual effects, making it feel not just like a whole new movie, but the movie it was always meant to be.
Written, Directed, and Edited by Sean Louis Kelly
/ lean_smelly
/ quixotable
Produced as part of the "Forman Makes a Movie" program at The Forman School.
/ formanmakesamovie
/ forman_school
Additional thanks to Spencer Fappiano and Morgan Audia for lastminute ADR.
Music licensed from Lickd. The biggest mainstream and stock music platform for content creators.
The Sign by Ace of Base, https://lickd.lnk.to/uNbHbaID License ID: anZxrnoBVWv
If you want to use music from famous artists, try Lickd to get track credits and unlimited stock music: https://app.lickd.co/r/6b07330986de4d...