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The Swabby Professional Tire Dressing Applicator | Detail King

Detail King

Introducing the new and improved Swabby Professional Dressing Applicator Tank, a great tool that allows you to save time and money while detailing a vehicle's tires.

The Swabby comes with a manual air pump, allowing you to pressurize the tanks without the use of an air compressor, and a pressure release valve to help regulate that pressure.

The 5’ pigtail hose gives you a comfortable working range while detailing the tires. The tank can be used with either a 6” inch or 3” tire brush. The unit comes equipped with the 6” inch brush, and the 3” can be purchased separately. The 3” is a good option when detailing low profile tires.

For the best results, we fill your swabby with Detail King’s Super Blue Tire Dressing. It is a silicone based product that will leave your vehicle with a durable, lasting shine.

The swabby is very easy to use and helps you cut down on the amount of product you use. Just one or two pulls on the release trigger should be enough to cover the whole tire. The brushes help you apply the dressing evenly, leaving the tires looking great in now time at all. The results speak for themselves.

Pick up yours today at

Swabby Professional Tire Dressing Applicator:

Detail King's Super Blue Tire Dressing:

posted by Whostatriorzf