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The softest ever French toast


#PaikJongWon #FrenchToast #Snack
French toast is very easy to make.
There are many different ways.
Enjoy French toast with jam, butter, and condensed milk!


French toast


*Basic ver.

3 slices of plain loaf
2 eggs
2 pinches of fine salt
Apple jam (decent amount for basic ver. / 3 tbsp for sandwich ver.)
Some cooking oil
Some butter
Some cinnamon powder
Some condensed milk

*Milk ver.

3 slices of plain loaf
2 eggs
Approx. 2/3 cup (110g) milk
1 tbsp (12g) brown sugar
2 pinches of fine salt
Some cooking oil
Some butter
Some apple jam


*Basic ver.

Regular type

1. Crack eggs into a bowl.
2. Add in fine salt and beat the eggs with chopsticks.
3. Add cooking oil to a pan and preheat over medium heat.
4. Coat the slices of plain loaf with the eggwash using chopsticks to flip.
5. Cook the coated bread in a heated pan until golden.
6. Flip frequently and cook both sides using slippers and paddles thoroughly until golden.
7. Place the cooked basic type toast on a plate and top with butter and apple jam. Sprinkle some cinnamon powder and condensed milk to finish.

Sandwich type

1. Crack eggs into a bowl.
2. Add in fine salt and beat the eggs with chopsticks.
3. Evenly spread an ample amount of apple jam on one side of the plain loaf.
4. Cover the evenly spread apple jam with another slice of plain loaf.
5. Put the jam sandwich into the eggwash and thoroughly coat all sides by flipping.
6. Add cooking oil to a pan and preheat over medium heat.
7. Put the toast on a pan and pour in the rest of the eggwash.
8. Reduce to low heat to prevent the toast from burning. Flip occasionally.
9. Press down the toast with a flipper while cooking.
Tip: Sandwich type takes longer time to cook due to thickness. Reduce to low heat and cook thoroughly to ensure the inside is cooked.
10. Once the inside is cooked, slightly turn up the heat and cook both sides until golden.
11. Place the cooked sandwich type toast on a plate and top with butter to finish.

*Milk ver.

1. Add milk, sugar, eggs, and fine salt into a bowl and use a spoon to mix well.
2. Add in the plain loaf slices and soak all slides thoroughly with a spoon and chopsticks.
3. Add cooking oil to a pan and preheat over medium heat.
4. Put the coated bread on a heated pan, reduce to low heat, and flip to cook both sides thoroughly until golden.
5. Place the cooked French toast on a plate and top with butter and apple jam.
Tip: Serve with condensed milk or strawberry jam if desired.

posted by iv2a2tinm6