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The RTX-440 Ground Assault Type Guntank

Jhhk The Collector

The RTX440 Assault Guntank was a mobile suit based on the prototype RTX44. However, its development was halted after technical officer Clyde Bettany stole its specs and defected to Zeon, placing his subordinate and lover Aline Nazon under suspicion. Compared to the RX754 Guntank, the Assault Guntank could deploy its secondary caterpillar treads and have its torso squat for its assault mode, which allowed it to move at higher speed. The Assault Guntank featured more armaments than the standard Guntank, including its main 220mm cannon, bob guns, a flamethrower, heavy mines, 2tube MLRS and a rocket launcher.

posted by Nisidaqc