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The Right Fit Forward Customer Model


When you're first out of the garage looking for your first customers and dollars, you'll look for anyone to buy.

Sure, you've got your target customer in mind, but let's face it, you're looking for prospects that have some inkling of the problem you solve and who want to use it solve that problem. In fact, they see so much value that they're actually willing to give you real money to use it.

After bootstrapping for a year, then exhausting most of the friends and family funds, you've got to get some revenue in the door so you can keep the company going.

Every next customer is a big deal, and every $1k in MRR is even bigger.

Most of all, you need to prove ProblemProduct fit well before you can get to ProductMarket fit. 

Chances are you're selling your product at a much lower price than you'd like, but for now, it's all about crossing the "penny gap" to get those first paying customers.

At the time, you LOVED these first customers because they're paying your real money.

But now you wish you could fire them.


Because as you plowed forward – improving your product with every release, adding more customers, and raising you prices with each deal, yo start to realize that a couple of those first few customers that you once loved aren't so lovable anymore.

Maybe it's because you set up a bespoke product instance that your engineering team has to manually update every time they push code to your core platform...

Maybe it's because your customers are in the habit of making features requests, and getting those feature requests added within a week, but now their latest requests won't be part of the product roadmap anytime soon, or ever...

Maybe it's because they're paying $200/month for the same product that your two newest customers are happily paying $30k/year to buy.

Help your first customers find a good home if they won't change with you.

Just don't be afraid. This is totally normal.

posted by broncsfan07kd