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The Mother Dog Breathed Her Last When She Saw That Her Children Were Safe

Animal Relief

The Mother Dog Breathed Her Last When She Saw That Her Children Were Safe

A month after she was born, she was restrained.
Not only is she here, but so are the puppies
She cried because she felt cold and hungry.
When we arrived, she was exhausted.
The puppies cried for their mother to wake them up,
They're in an illegal animal shelter,
Everything they do is related to money,
They don't care about these little angels at all,
They were all dirty, skinny and hungry.
We got them out of this nightmare
In the car, I tried to feed the puppies.
Even though her life is very fragile
After 3 hours, the mother dog left
We were all shocked by it, and it still stands
Until I went to see the vet
Until you see the puppies are safe,
These puppies were delivered to me
In an instant she became an orphan
Taking care of 6 puppies is a challenge
Then something unexpected happened
I met this bitch on the street
Her master did not allow her to enter the house
It looked like she was breastfeeding so she walked in
She talked to her master
“You can take that bitch away.”
"And the puppies are mine. Go."
Then my heart broke because of it all,
All this happened in just three short days.
Hope became the mother of six orphaned puppies.
Her maternal instincts are very strong.
Everything happened by chance
Report on the condition of mother dog Hope
Because she always misses her puppy and the puppies
very small
They still believe that Hope is their mother,
Hope takes care of them like her own puppies
They warm each other's hearts
Orphaned puppies feel love again.
The mother dog felt somewhat relieved
After a few days the results were available
We helped Hope get her puppies back,
Her previous owner had to give us her puppies
There are 5 puppies in total,
Hope has been reunited with her puppies
She is the mother of 11 puppies
Puppies need formula
These difficulties do not make her sad, but...
On the contrary, she always feels happy
These puppies are her happiness
I don't understand why my heart is cold
These puppies are completely innocent
They could have had a better life
If their mother is still with them
If only this shelter did everything with love
But it's all just if
And I can't change what happened
This is the present and I am satisfied
Hope and the puppies live happily together
Life has completely changed for them
No one will be able to harm them anymore
They will grow up happily here
A beautiful future is waiting for them
They still enjoy those happy days
Thank you for coming with us to the meeting
See you again in the next videos

Irina | volunteer Krasnoyarsk
Saved more than 200 tails
More than 70 dogs under supervision ❤
There is a pet for you too
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posted by trovanguardian9