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The Mark of the Professional - Transit Bus Training Video - 1980

Bourne Transit

This is one of a series of videos produced by Edmonton Transit, Safety Division and Training Division in 1980 for training new bus drivers. We bought them and used them extensively in training drivers at CyRide in Ames, IA. It is nice to see the simplicity of the GM New Looks compared to modern buses. No heated mirrors and you had to manually adjust them!

However, the principles of safe bus driving shown in this video still apply. "Highest Degree of Care" starts with the prepullout procedures shown here.

This video was professionally transferred from film to VHS and I have made a digital copy. Some of the quality of the original has been lost. I have also posted some of the other videos produced by Edmonton Transit. If you have others, please post them or contact me at [email protected].

posted by tufanyexl