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The Junko Junsui


Here are instructions

1. Go to'>
2. Search: the enemy (no cap letters)
3. Then go back to'>
4. Search alfatsentr (also case sensitive) and the video should come up.

Do not move your mouse or type anything or the video will stop and redirect you to facebook page about The Junsui. As far as I know, this is an ARG(Alternate Reality Game) but I can't say that for sure, you'll have to make your own decision.

Was it live video feed or not, enjoy and shit brix.

EDIT 20/08/2009
Due to request from a lot of people wanting to know what this is all about, I'll provide links to pages and sites where a lot of good information is gathered.

I am sorry I can't be more help myself, but the truth is that I myself have a very little knowledge about this, and don't know much more than this is propably an ARG(Alternate Reality Game), but even that seems uncertain.

So if you want to find out what this might be, then here are the sites that you should visit.

UNFICTION FORUMS ( The best place to find out )


  / 108510947011  

  / junkojunsui  

If you find out something, then PLEASE, do post comment on the comment section of the video!

posted by nekodqi