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The Insidious Orphan Spirit

Ashley D. Wille

What is the orphan spirit? What does Jesus say about it? Where does it come from? Whose territory is it? What are its' traits? How does it affect us? How can we get rid of it? What specifically can we do to heal from it?
Orphanos (Gr.) means bereaved, parentless, fatherless
John 14:18 Jesus said, I will never leave you as orphans
In hurt, disappointment, traumas, we internalize false beliefs (lies) about ourselves.
Example Parents divorce at age 6 so I believe falsely that it's my fault, I'm guilty, I'm bad. I'm all alone. I'm defective. I'm rejected.
All false beliefs are Satan's territory! He's the father of all lies.
HEALING Psalm 16:11:
1. Renounce and cast out orphan spirit and all others
2. Ask for a revelation of God's love for you
3. Receive the spirit of adoption
4. Spend time in the Heavenly Father's presence
Rom. 8:1415, Gal. 4:6, 1 Cor. 12: 18, Eph. 1:56, Matt. 10:2931, 1 Pet. 5:7
TRAITS of Orphan Spirit Ps. 142:4:
No connection
Can't love me
Work hard mentality
Ashamed to ask for the good
Never feel accepted
Feel abandoned, rejected
Respond by performance and achievement
Struggle with identity
Competitive but not satisfied
Perfectionism makes you miserable
Can't receive the Father's love
Emptiness and neediness
Emotionally unstable
Struggle in relationships
Deep void from breach of trust
Can't receive Jesus as first love
Isolating themselves
Independent codependent
Fear and insecurity
Performance orientation
Serve God to earn love
Medicate through activity
Driven (by demons) to succeed
Repels their children
Lack of selfesteem/Godesteem
Uses people to fulfill goals
Anger and fits or rage
Controlled by orphan spirit
Limited understanding of identity and purpose
Limit4ed ability to maximize potential

posted by blondiegrrlxni