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The Great Asian Parenting Debate!

Hella Mental Health

After sharing a cartoon that resonated with me by artist John Euclid Templonuevo ( @arkitekyuklid on Instagram) my twitter feed BLEW UP.

The vast majority of respondents were deeply touched and shared their feelings about breaking an emotionally abusive generational cycle that they experienced. Many commented on how harmful Asian Parenting has been, and how they wanted to model a more loving way of parenting.
Others felt that harsh derogatory words from parents was the only way to create "strong" kids. Honestly, many of us were raised this way.
Yet many of our parents and ancestors were negatively impacted by economic stressors or traumas that negatively influenced their capacities for nuance and emotional modulation.

I believe we can hold complexity.
I encourage everyone to consider how we can practice that happy medium not authoritarian and cruel, but also NOT permissive and passive.
We want to carry forward the values and work ethics of our families, honor what is preciousbut also leave behind what is outdated or harmful.

Dr. Hsu breaks down the differences between:
Authoritarian Parenting
Authoritative Parenting
Permissive Parenting
Uninvolved Parenting
Let's work on passing on values and discipline without veering into abusiveness.

posted by ei1na23m