In today’s study, Pastor Gary teaches about one of the gifts of the Spirit that manifests in Acts 2 known as “tongues.” Tongues is a known language, except to the person speaking, that God gives a Believer for the purpose of prayer and/or praise to God. But is it still available today? Should all Believers speak in tongues? And why would God give the gift of a language to people who cannot understand it themselves? Pastor Gary addresses these and other key questions in today’s teaching on the gift of tongues.
00:00 Introduction
04:51 Three phenomena associated with Pentecost (Acts 2)
05:02 Audible (v.2) the sound as a might, rushing wind
05:47 Visual (v.3) like flames of fire lighting on each person
06:21 Verbal (v.4) people speaking in other “tongues” (languages)
09:15 What exactly is “tongues”?
09:29 Tongues is a known language, except to the person speaking, that God gives a Believer for the purpose of prayer and/or praise to God.
12:20 Was the gift of tongues limited to just the first century Church, or is it still available for Believers today?
13:01 When will the gift of tongues end?
18:22 1 Cor. 13:10 refers to the perfection of the Believer, NOT the completion of the Bible. Which means, all the gifts are still available today.
22:09 If the gift of tongues is still available today…why would God give the gift of a language to people who cannot understand it themselves?
30:53 Am I supposed to speak in tongues?
32:01 Is tongues THE evidence for the Baptism of the Holy Spirit?
35:33 THE evidence for the Baptism of the Holy Spirit is LOVE (1 Cor. 13)
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