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The Final Disappointment of the Ego - Being Rather Ordinary and Happy!

Adrian Russ

At some point we get tired from the coming and going of peace and happiness and wish to find that which is unchanging, always happy in us.

This most intimate, ordinary nonexperience of our being, this intimate knowing of I am, carries within it the peace and happiness, that we always sought for. The magic of life is actually rather in the ordinariness of being, than in the extraordinary experiences, that the mind is seeking for.

Paradoxically, living from this experiential understanding of our simple happy being, we are free to enjoy our humanness fully, and do what brings most joy to us, what expresses our talents and creativity best.

BeingConsciousness and our Humanness move as One!

This is an excerpt from the online "Meetings in Beings" recorded on March, 16th 2024.


(All by donation. You can give freely as you wish.)

The 'Meetings in Being' are intended to discover, remember and deepen in the experience and understanding of Who or What We Truly Are.

Another important aspect of the meetings is how to embody this understanding and experience it on all levels of our being. How to simply live a happy and peaceful human life, from and as an expression of pure consciousness or love.

In these joyful gatherings of friends you'll also have the possibility to meet other freedom and truth lovers and to ask questions.


Feel free to contact us via Email: [email protected]


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#nonduality #happiness #enlightenment #ego #advaita #consciousness #embodiment #spiritualawakening #ramdass #adrianruss

posted by mojsijemgt