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TEDxTaipei - David Tao - Unlearn to Learn ( 陶喆 - 放下才能獲得更多)

TEDx Talks

// Singer, Music Producer

David Tao is one of the most famous singers/songwriters in the "Mandopop" industry. He is best known for creating a unique mixture of a cappella, folk, R&B, rock and Chinese opera. Tao's works not only revolve around traditional themes of love but also deal with social and cultural issues. He has been called "the Godfather of Mandopop." With the release of his sixth album, "Zero To Hero," in 2009, Tao is now shifting his career focus from music to film so that he can pursue his other lifelong dream and passion.

// 歌手音樂製作人

從1997年的首張同名專輯開始陶喆至今已經創作了許多膾炙人口的流行金曲— 「愛很簡單」、 「沙灘」、 「找自己」......。陶喆融貫古今中外各式樂風的獨到手法例如將傳統民謠加上 a cappella、或是讓R&B遇上京劇橋段。陶喆的作品內容不只深刻描繪了現代男女情愛同時也關注許多社會文化議題其兼具微觀與鉅觀的多元思維為他贏得了「華語音樂教父」的美譽。

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