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Syndesmosis or High Ankle Sprain Treatment

Sports Injury Physio

In this video, Maryke explains what the syndesmosis joint in the ankle is, how an injury to this joint usually happens, what tests you can do to confirm a syndesmosis injury, the different grades of high ankle sprains, and what treatment you should do for a syndesmosis ankle sprain depending on the grade of injury.

Need more help with your injury? You’re welcome to consult one of the team at SIP online via video call for an assessment of your injury and a tailored treatment plan:

This article provides a good example of how you can adapt the treatment plan for an athlete with a syndesmosis ankle sprain according to the severity of the injury:

00:00:00 Introduction
00:01:35 Anatomy of the syndesmosis joint
00:03:53 Why it’s important to identify this injury
00:04:33 Diagnosis of syndesmosis sprains
00:11:57 Grading of syndesmosis sprains
00:15:06 Syndesmosis sprain treatment
00:24:51 How we can help

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posted by morganepaquet7e