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SWFL Eagle Cam 2-10-23. Intruder arrives while M15 is across the street; M15 flushes intruder.


Video combines ground footage with cam footage. M15 flies across the street where he has been fishing. Intruder flies in from the S, and M15 quickly returns to the nest tree to protect the E's. Intruder lands on the upper branches, and remains there until flushed by M15. The intruder flew to the W pasture and landed in a tree. Time stamps below, if interested. Click on any time stamp to advance to that part.

Time stamps: Provided in DVR time; actual time is on the cam clock.
00:00. M15 is on the attic.
00:57. M15 flies across the street.
01:30. Intruder flies in from the S, circles the nest tree.
01:48. M15 can be heard vocalizing as he arrives at the nest tree/attic to protect the E's.
02:01. Intruder lands on the upper branches. Female by vocals.
02:59. Cam1 footage. The E's watch the intruder and Dad.
03:28. M15 on the attic.
05:15. Intruder above, M15/attic.
05:25. Intruder.
10:08. M15 in the nest.
11:00. Cam footage. M15 to the nest; continues to watch/warn intruder.
12:22. M15 partially covers leftover food.
14:57. M15 is back on the attic.
15:26. M15 moves above toward the intruder.
15:53. M15 moves up and flushes the intruder.
16:06. Intruder heads to the W pasture.
16:40. Slomo to show intruder landing. I thought she flew through, and I left right after this to do a search based on a tip (nothing found).
16:50. Intruder is on top of the tree on the right.
17:00. M15.

Watch here: (two options) There is a moderated chat on the website.
The chat box has updates, links posted by the moderators, and updates throughout the day are posted above the chat box. The website has all the history/information on Harriet & M15, plus a blog and forum.

YouTube option (no chat):
Cam1:    • Southwest Florida Eagle Cam  Cam 1  
Cam3:    • Southwest Florida Eagle Cam #3  

posted by kojoto0n