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Supercharge Your System: 8 Must-Know CMD Commands for PC Performance


In this video, discover eight essential Command Prompt (CMD) commands that will turbocharge your PC's performance. From clearing unnecessary files to resolving network issues and optimizing Windows updates, these commands are a gamechanger for your system's efficiency. Learn how to reclaim disk space, refresh DNS settings, reset Windows Store, and more with stepbystep guidance on each command:

1. del /f /s /q /a %LocalAppData%\Microsoft\Windows\Explorer\thumbcache_*.db: Clear thumbnail cache files to free up storage space.
2. del /q /s /f %TEMP%\*: Remove temporary files cluttering your system.
3. ipconfig /flushdns: Resolve DNS caching issues for smoother internet connectivity.
4. wsreset.exe: Refresh Windows Store to fix apprelated problems.
5. net stop wuauserv: Temporarily halt Windows Update service for troubleshooting.
6. ren %systemroot%\SoftwareDistribution SoftwareDistribution.old: Rename the Software Distribution folder to troubleshoot update problems. start wuauserv: Restart the Windows Update service after making changes.
8. ie4uinit.exe ClearIconCache: Clear icon cache to ensure proper icon display.
Optimize your PC like a pro and unlock its full potential with these CMD commands. Watch now and take control of your system's performance.
CMD commands, PC performance, optimization, cache files, network troubleshooting, efficiency, speed, stepbystep, execution, tripledkeywordpacked techniques

posted by chwenychu6z