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Super Simple Generator-To-House Hookup -- A Proven How-To

Herrick Kimball

This lowtech (and cheap) idea for hooking a generator to your house for emergency power has worked very nicely for me for the past 25 years. The most recent snow storm in this video shows my super simple system. Here’s more information and links to go with this video…

Amazon product affiliate links…
Leviton Male Power Inlet Receptacle:
Jackery Explorer 1111:
HONDA EU2200i generator:

My 25yearold Honda 2500 watt generator is no longer made. A roughly comparable new model is this HONDA 3000 watt generator:

Here’s a link to the siphontube rain water storage barrels video I made:    • Steve's Totally Amazing SiphonTube R...  

Here’s a link to the Whizbang Garden Cart plan book:

I have a "Water Boy" well bucket. It appears that the company is no longer selling these, but here is a link for some information:

I found the following link with a Google search. The “bucket” appears to be like the Water Boy I have. I can not vouch for the quality or effectiveness of this item:

Lehman’s Hardware has well buckets. I’ve never seen one up close, but they have satisfied reviews:

posted by davidtheyetig2