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Super Bowl Shmooper Bowl with Victor Davis Hanson

Hoover Institution

Recorded on Febuary 6, 2023

A Chinese “civilian airship” wafts across the US heartland. Vladimir Putin ramps up the saberrattling as the oneyear anniversary of his Ukraine invasion nears. And could a single platinum coin be America’s debt elixir? Victor Davis Hanson, the Hoover Institution’s Martin and Illie Anderson Senior Fellow, joins Hoover senior fellows Niall Ferguson, H. R. McMaster, and John Cochrane to discuss “eyes in the sky,” ground warfare, plus one soccerandrugbyloving fellow’s super disgust with the supersized spectacle that is the Super Bowl.


GoodFellows, a weekly Hoover Institution broadcast, features senior fellows John Cochrane, Niall Ferguson, and H.R. McMaster discussing the social, economic, and geostrategic ramifications of this changed world. They can’t banter over lunch these days, but they continue their spirited conversation online about what comes next, as we look forward to an end to the crisis.

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