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Steps One and Two of Meditation; the Foundation That Ensures Success in Meditation


A lecture about the first steps towards effective meditation.

00:00 Start
01:12 Conscious or Distracted?
02:56 Awareness of the Present Moment
06:10 Three Brains
09:32 Yoga is Union with Divinity
11:35 Three Ways People Try Religion (and Fail)
15:22 Conscious Integration
17:47 Eight Steps to Experience Meditation (Raja Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga)
19:56 1. Yama: Restraint
21:39 2. Niyama: Observances
21:51 3. Asana: Relaxed Posture
23:06 4. Pranayama: Energy Control
24:37 5: Pratyahara: Withdrawal
25:22 6. Dharana: Concentration
26:38 7. Dhyana: Meditation
27:17 8. Samadhi: Yoga, Reality
30:53 Yama: Restraint
31:12 Restraint 1: Ahimsa, Do No Harm
32:23 Restraint 2: Satyam, Do Not Lie
32:40 Restraint 3: Asteya: Do Not Steal
33:09 Restraint 4: Brahmacharya: Sexual Purity
33:51 Restraint 5: Aparigraha: Have No Desires
35:56 Niyama: Observances
36:05 Observance 1: Saucha: Purity
36:49 Observance 2: Santosha, Be Content
37:10 Observance 3: Tapas, Accept Penance
38:51 Observance 4: Svadhyaya, Comprehension
39:59 Observance 5: IshvaraPranidhana, Selfremembering
41:23 Conscious Ethics and Selfobservation

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Music by By Emmanuel Jacob

#meditation #yoga #spirituality

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