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Sonde Health’s David Liu: Can the Sound of Your Voice Signal Cognitive Decline?

Being Patient Alzheimers

Brain health researchers are exploring new ways to leverage AI in the diagnosis of diseases like Alzheimer’s. One emerging field of study is that of vocal biomarkers: the way our voices sound. Some companies are even developing personal smart devices to identify vocal biomarkers — and, perhaps one day in the future, to aid in early diagnosis or even disease prevention.

We asked David Liu, the CEO of Sonde Health, to join Live Talks to explain this emerging field, and tell us a bit more about the science behind voice biomarkers and their potential for earlyidentification of cognitive impairment.

Watch the full live talk to learn more about vocal biomarkers and their potential for early detection of cognitive decline.

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Being Patient is an editorially independent journalism outlet for news and reporting about brain health, cognitive science, and neurodegenerative diseases. In our Live Talk series on Facebook, former Wall Street Journal Editor and founder of Being Patient, Deborah Kan, interviews brain health experts and people living with dementia.

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#VocalBiomarkers #AI #CognitiveDecline #Dementia

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