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Siamese Kitten has no Respect for Elders

Siamese Shenanigans

Suki wants to play!! However, Buffy, who was 14 at the time, wonders when we will be returning this kitten to wherever she came from.

Buffy’s Story: We had found her on the side of the road in 2004. We took her home and I told my wife that if she made it through the night we would take her to the vet the next morning. She was in bad shape and I didn't think she would make it...but she did!! The vet said she was around 4 months old and it would take several weeks for her to recover. After a few weeks she was running and playing and absolutely loved her new home! She was a wonderful cat and we were very thankful that we happened to spot her laying on the side of the road!! She was 15 when she passed.

#Siamese #Thaicat #Wichienmaat

posted by Escociagp