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Sharon H. is Living Her Best Life in Costa Rica


Sharon had always dreamed of moving to Costa Rica but didn't know where to start. Then, she found StartAbroad.

Sharon is an attorney and does not have the time to spend researching everything she needs to relocate to Costa Rica from Virginia with complete confidence. She was overwhelmed by the whole move process. But once she found StartAbroad, everything changed.

StartAbroad coached Sharon through every step of the process from narrowing down what town would be the best fit for her, to connecting with an excellent immigration attorney, to finding a great real estate agent. When she arrived incountry, StartAbroad picked her up from the airport, handed her a sim card, and took her to her to the beautiful rental they had arranged for her. They had even stocked her fridge with all of her favorite foods. And the service didn't stop there. When Sharon blew a tire, StartAbroad found an English speaking mechanic to replace the tire within two hours. When Sharon's computer broke, StartAbroad found a computerrepair technician nearby. Anything that came up, StartAbroad managed it.

By the end of the relocation process, Sharon couldn't imagine moving to Costa Rica without the help of StartAbroad. They helped her avoid expensive mistakes, and made the move go smoothly. In her own words, "[StartAbroad] saved me a lot of time, but more importantly, they saved me a lot of money."


StartAbroad is an international relocation company that specializes in supporting Americans and Canadians relocate to Portugal, Panama, and Costa Rica. Learn more at, or reach out to [email protected] to schedule a 15minute consultation with a relocation expert at no cost to you.

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posted by profanimaow