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Shabani is crazy about Nene❗️❓❤️ Higashiyama Zoo⭐️ gorilla

Japanese zoo

The Shabani family on May 6, 2023.
Shabani spent most of her time with Ai, but she was also up close and personal, checking out Nene's butt. ☺
It seems that Nene is still very attractive to Shabani. ❤

#gorilla #shabani #westernlowlandgorilla #higashiyamazoo #animal #Japanesezoo #Ape #silverback

Born October 20, 1996
Place of birth Appenhure Primate Park (Netherlands)

Born in 1972 (estimated)
Africa (wild)

Ai ♀
Born February 27, 2003
Place of birth Higashiyama Zoo

Kiyomasa ♂
Born November 1, 2012
Place of birth Higashiyama Zoo

Annie ♀
June 2, 2013
Place of birth Higashiyama Zoo

posted by boixava1c