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San Pellegrino Water Review...Is This The Best For Your Health?

LaPrentiss Demond

In this San Pellegrino Water Review...we see just how good this popular beverage is for your health.

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Now, when it comes to San Pellegrino Sparkling Water, we test it for 3 specific properties...

Hey, what's going on? I'm LaPrentiss Demond, and in today's video, we are gonna do a review on San Pellegrino Water. All right, let's go ahead and open this up.

Supposed to be natural mineral water. It's a little bubbly. Awesome. And we are going to test this against this electrolyzed reduced water. All right, let's get it going.

So the first thing we are gonna test for is antioxidants. And this is the most important portion of everything that we're gonna be testing today.

The reason why is that we have all these things around us, known as free radicals, and they are everywhere. They're in our phones, they're in our food, and even the air that we breathe.

And these free radicals, come in and they take the electrons from our healthy cells. And when it happens that creates oxidation and inflammation.

And those two things are linked to every single health disease known to man. So that ends up leading to pretty much our cells rusting. 'Kay? Aging, sickness, and disease, 'kay?

So we gotta have those antioxidants. These are found in your fruits, your vegetables, your Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and Vitamin E.

They actually bring electrons and put 'em back into our cells, which is gonna remove that oxidation, lower that inflammation, and keep us looking young and healthy, 'kay?

How do we test that though? We find that by using an ORP meter. If we see a positive number here, that means it's oxidizing us and it's creating more harm in the body.

If we see a negative number, then that means it's an antioxidant, and antiinflammatory. So let's see what we get here with Pellegrino Water. Oh boy. Oh boy. Oh boy. All right.

We'll see what we get. All right, so I see a 2. Oh wow. It's going up. So that carbonation looks like it's playing a pretty strong role here. It's looking 320. Okay. 327. It's going up.

Yeah, I'll say around 3. It's going higher so, we'll say 330, right? Even though it's looking like 340. And I wanna say it's that carbonation. Yeah, this is going crazy, 'kay.

Let's go ahead and compare it, though, to this electrolyzed reduced water. Let's see how this does. Wow, look at that! That's the opposite direction. Negative 750, check that dash.

That's a negative number, which means it's a very, very strong antioxidant. And I think over on our little chart there, it only goes up to like a negative 400.

This is almost double that! It's a really, really strong antioxidant. And the reason why for this is that there's hydrogen in it and hydrogen is the strongest antioxidant known to man. 'Kay.

Last but not least, we tested it for superior hydration to see if it actually hydrates us at a cellular level. And it doesn't. Probably because of all that carbonation that's blocking it off, 'kay?

So there you have it. That's my review of San Pellegrino Water.

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And if you want to learn more about this water check out what I have for you coming up. Hey, thanks for watching this video!

I really hope you enjoyed it and you learned a little something about the waters that we tested here today.

Please take a moment to share this video with someone you care about who is also drinking this water.

Finally, if you are serious about improving your health and the water that you drink, click the link in the description below to access my Water Wellness Masterclass.

In this masterclass, you will discover the truth about the waters we drink, the effects our water has on our health, and how you can have the world's best water in the comfort of your home and save thousands of dollars as a result.

All right. Go ahead, click that link in the description below, access that masterclass, and I will see you there real soon.

posted by mugiwarakevt7