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Sailing Through Seasons: From Icy Canadian Shores to Endless Horizons

Captain’s log

Braving the Canadian winters requires fortitude, especially for a sailor. As the autumn leaves herald the coming frost, I undertake the annual ritual of hauling out my sailboat to winterize it, ensuring its safety from the icy embrace of the season. It rests on the hard, a silent sentinel waiting for the thaw of late spring or the warmth of early summer. Even as the snow retreats, the air can still bite with chilling winds and deceptive windchills.

Yet, the call of the waters is undeniable, and soon, I’m navigating the waves once more. But the dream of endless sailing seasons beckons, away from the icy clutches of the north. This season, I’ll be charting a course to new horizons, in search of a haven where sails never lower and the breeze is but a gentle caress—a place where I can sail yearround.

posted by skuffanmy