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RV Living Tip - Pay Attention to Campsite Dimensions

Ruff Road RV Life

RV Living Tip Pay Attention to Campsite Dimensions

Pay attention to those campsite dimensions when reserving a campsite for your RV. Many campsites have slopes or roots or trees, that are not indicated on the reservation site. Sometimes, these things may be noted or in a "Notes" or "Remarks" section, so do look for them.

We have learned to not cut the space short, meaning we look for sites for a little larger rig than ours or at least we make sure the pad has enough length to accommodate us. We need the extra room in case there is uneven ground, a tree or utilities close to our slide area, or even large tree roots. This gives us some wiggle room to get set up level and have enough room for our slide. If we are in a site just large enough for our RV, we may struggle to get level or find it difficult to park so we can fully enjoy the site.

Another consideration is checking to make sure the site is long enough to accommodate your tow or tow vehicle. Many campgrounds do not allow wheels on the grass, so having enough length on the pad area or width if that applies helps. No one wants to have to park in the overflow parking if they can park right at their own campsite.

There is so much more to look for when reserving a site, but at a basic level the number one priority is, will it fit?

We use RV Trip Wizard to look for campsites. We are RV Trip Wizard affiliates so we do receive a commission if you decide to purchase. There is a free trial period and you can get a discount on this program if you use this code: Ruff Road
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Happy Camping!

posted by jakobians5