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Rockstar RV - Tiffin Phaeton 37BH


Many people seem to think that huge RVs like this are an enemy of the environment but in actuality, they are about as green as you can get. Let's talk land use, water usage, and total energy usage. Do you know how many beautiful valleys and orchards have been paved over in America to make room for endless suburban sprawl? A RV destroys no land. Also consider one of the worst environmental impacts we have on our environment, our fresh water usage. In America we drain our rivers to water our huge green lawns and fill our huge swimming pools. An RV has no lawn, no yard, and no pool. The national average water consumption is 82 gallons per person per day. In an RV, its only 25 gallons per person per day. As far as energy usage, to be fair you have to look at total energy not just gas mileage. A RV is about 1/5 the size of the average American home so uses 1/5 the air conditioning in summer and 1/5 the heating in winter. A modern diesel pusher RV gets about the same mileage as a F250 pickup despite weighing 5x more. Second of all, remember that the way you use an RV is totally different than the way you use your car. You do not commute or run errands in a RV. Typical use for an RV is to drive 6 hours to a National Park and to stay for a month. When you look at used RV sales, you will notice that many 3 year old RVs have under 8,000 miles on them which means less than 3000 miles per year.

posted by mivozconvosy5