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Rise and Fall of General Ratko Mladic


"Rise and Fall of General Mladic" paints a picture of a contradictory personality of the first man of the Serb army during the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The film reexamines the myth of Ratko Mladic as a soldier, leader, hero, an extraordinary man – a myth that has come into being as an instrument of political propaganda. Widely accepted and unquestioned at the beginning, it is now being kept alive mostly in the circles of defeated adherents of the military and national project designed to encompass all Serbs in a single state. The myth has been shaken by recent disclosures about the nature and scale of the crimes, public admissions of guilt and condemnations of indiscriminate shelling of Sarajevo and mass murder of civilians in Srebrenica. This has dispelled many doubts whether those things actually happened and whether Mladic indeed was the man behind them.
The film is produced by the SENSE Agency in 2005.
SENSE Transitional Justice Center is the successor to SENSE News Agency, the only media organization which regularly and continuously covered all trials at the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) in The Hague. SENSE News Agency transformed into a center in 2017 with the aim of documenting, preserving, and making visible and permanently accessible the most important facts about events in the former Yugoslavia during the wars of the 1990s, reconstructed and established beyond a reasonable doubt at the ICTY war crimes trials.
Production of the Center and the agency which includes documentaries, interactive narratives and over 17000 reports is available at

posted by mandydogky