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Reliability 101 (for Beginners)

Joe Kuhn

Improve results cut cost waste; reliability maintenance best practices solutions for engineers, reactive proactive and leaders on a journey plan to excellence change culture planning scheduling lean problem solving

Reliability is one of the most powerful tools in manufacturing, but can be confusing with all the terms, acronyms and systems. This video's goal it to take some of the mystery out of reliability specifically targeting operations managers, asset owners, controllers, safety and quality professionals.

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Video by Lean Driven Reliability LLC

Contact Joe at: [email protected]


Joe Kuhn is first and foremost a plant manager and leader; and now an entrepreneur. He has been a plant manager 3 times (largest plant $1.5B in sales / 2000 employees), a large department manager twice, an engineer, and due to his results he was appointed the global director of reliability and maintenance for a Fortune 200 company. His unique approach to driving reliability results come from not only his 32 years of experience, but also through the application of Lean and SixSigma concepts. Lean provides the "secret sauce" to achieving sustainable and rapid results most often in just weeks. This result fosters both sponsorship and future investment as a portion of the savings. All of these are combined to evolve a culture though new experiences.

posted by Rennzeugc5