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Release a Tight Pelvic Floor⁣

Core Exercise Solutions

Ever wonder if your pelvic floor muscles are tight and how you can go about releasing them? ⁣

A little release work can go a long way for improving pelvic floor dysfunction. Let’s dive into getting started with some external release to see if that provides any relief of your pelvic floor symptoms. ⁣

Research shows us that release work can actually create more progress in pelvic organ prolapse recovery than kegels alone. Amazing right?!! In our pelvic floor program, we go through how to both internally and externally release the pelvic floor because releasing tight musculature helps improve function. I wanted to walk you through a little bit of external release work here to get you started on your own at home. ⁣

It’s great functioning muscles that support our organs! ⁣

A retrospective clinical case series published by Anna Crowle (J Bodyw Mov Ther, 2020) showed that releasing the puborectalis had a significant impact on improving a rectocele. Now, my PT brain goes toward thinking about why this muscle was tight in the first place and how do we prevent the tightness from coming back after release work? ⁣

I love the human body and how complicated, yet amazing, our muscular system is. It all works together to make our bodies strong and capable of so many incredible things. ⁣

Today’s question:⁣

What should a person do for an overly tight pelvic floor? I believe I’ve way over done kegels and have been noticing some symptoms. I occasionally have trouble letting gas go and have more recently noticed burning during sex. The issue with sex has only happened 2x but the gas issue has been happening for longer albeit both are infrequent. I have no issue with urination. Also, can I continue running, biking, and HIIT while working on relaxing my PF? Thanks!⁣

Online Continuing Education for Fitness and Health Professionals
PCES Pregnancy & Postpartum Corrective Exercise Specialist

Comprehensive online program to help women correct pelvic floor issues, diastasis recti, and more

posted by tyrile2