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Latinium by Javolenus (c) copyright 2020 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial (3.0) license. Ft: NiGiD


No matter how many times I say this, it never stops being important; it never stops being profound: the brain is an environment simulating machine that makes predictions about future states by recognizing, and conceptualizing, patterns. Today, let's set aside the implications to freewill. Let's also not bring up the mind's (and thus consciousness's) physical basis in natural selection. You like your freewill, and you probably cherish that 'real' experience you're having, so you'll be more likely to accept what I have to say if I don't molest those sacred jewels of yours. The problems are distractions anywho, so let's pretend as though you're of sound executive function, and that you use it to affect real change. Keepin it real! You're such a pragmatic. So ubermensch! A real broadjawed princessrescuer, you are. Ok, tiger, granted.

Even if I give these to you, the thing that you still aren't getting is the magical mind stuff. Even IF mind really is, somehow, a nonillusory emergent property of—some spark of—physical stuff; and even IF you are somehow in control of all this material meatequipment, that still doesn't imbue you or anything else in this world with magical powers.

What on or off Earth is he talking about? I'm talking about fooling yourself. About intellectual honesty. About intuition (again). The thing the DMT psychonauts just don't get is that the brain is the ONLY gateway to experience. The machineelves in there might seem real, like you are somehow visiting the collective unconscious and they are your guide. But this can't be the reality, because both magical tour and mystery guide are occurring within a mind, which is the very seat of every possible conception in the first place. C'mon kids, let's take a diversionary analogy!

This is one that I use all the time. In order to get up for work, it's convenient to set an alarm clock's time a few minutes ahead, so that you have 'extra' time to get ready. Thing is, you're only borrowing from yourself, and you know deepdown that you have precisely the same amount of time coming. You can't escape your own design. You might as well TRY TO NOT THINK about teh color of a flamingo when I tell you this: don't imagine what color a flamingo is. Flamingos get their plumage color from eating shrimp, but don't imagine that color. The color of plastic flamingo contrasts brightly against the shady side of the trailer park, but don't imagine the hue of that image, because you have the agency to resist doing so. Yes, I set that "teh" up there as a distracting landmine to trip you up, but no, you couldn't've avoided mindseeing all that pink even if you wanted to. Your brain just faceplanted you right into pure pink.

Speaking of thinking of pink, now consider the commercial brand; ask yourself where a man might see the color in nature (other than shrimp & flamingo). Think of it yet? Oh, you dirty beast! Where's that control, uberman? It's not your fault. The clothing line was designed to do this. The irony is that the message seems innocuous, to the point of being invisible, to women, while the rest of us pigs (incidentally, also pink) try to think of flamingos and cold immersion whenever we see that CAPSLOCK message coming at us, usually from the other side of the walkway and smacked midchest on a young lady who's moving in the opposite direction. Opposite direction, indeed. The mind makes this mess out of material. No magic.

Here's the thing, and I'm running out of space. Forced to condense. There's no gateway to understanding that doesn't come through the brain. You can't have a profound insight beamed into your head from outside. It's not possible. The only information coming in is what gets in through sensory input. Since this collected input is all you have, you've become totally convinced by it. It is, in a very real sense, the most real you can know. It doesn't get any realer without upgrading your hardware. Input distortion, or altered consciousness, isn't insight; it won't help you to see new pattern so much as it causes distortion to patterns you're already conceptualizing. The point is neither an endorsement nor an admonishment of substances; these are tools, just like any other, which can be both used & misused for purpose. Just remember, psychonaut, there's no royal road to understanding. That freaky journey that handheld you through the geometric vortex and into a perfectly clear understanding of the true nature of reality? That was generated, entirely, by the very thing that generates ALL of your reality: a brain. Nothing convinces you quite like you do. The puffpuff perfect conception? No different than setting the alarm ahead to fool yourself.
Continue:    • ⬇⬇⬇ "The experience" was not a dream.  

posted by farawayyeq