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Raja Ampat | Wonderful Diving in Batanta and Wai Island | Papua Paradise Eco Resort | Indonesia 2023

Sandra & Markus Trachsel

Beautiful corals, colorful reef fishs, big swarms of fusiliers, wobegong sharks, tiny nudibranchs and many other critters fulfills every divers dream! Batanta and Wai Island is located south of the Dampier Strait and is teemed with marine life and every dive offers new discoveries. Wai Island is famous for its beautiful top reefs and the P47 Thunderbolt plane wreck. Along the coast of Batanta we found many dive sites with amazing critters sightings such as nudibranch, marine fatworms, shrimps, pipe fishs and pigmy seahorse. Highlights were the hairy octopus and the flamboyant cuttlefish.

We visited the beautiful Papua Paradise Eco Resort in January 2023 and had a wonderful stay. We would like to thank the excellent dive guides and the entire crew for this amazing experience.

For animal identification please refer to the video subtitles.

With best regards,
Sandra and Markus

Species list:
00:17 Twinstripe fusilier
00:25 Lemon damsel
00:33 Blackfin barracuda
00:41 Pickhandle barracuda
01:05 Papua Paradise Eco Resort
01:53 Sulphurcrested cockatoo
01:57 Blyth's hornbill
02:01 Beach kingfisher
02:25 Bluefin trevally
02:57 Twospot snapper
03:05 Golden spadefish
03:21 Ribbon sweetlips
03:29 Twinstripe fusilier
04:01 Bluespotted stingray
04:09 Blackside hawkfish
04:59 P47 Thunderbolt plane wreck
05:37 Reef manta ray
05:50 Blacktip reef shark
07:03 Whip coral shrimp
07:11 Variable jawfish
07:20 Yellownose shrimpgoby
07:29 Holthuis anemone shrimp
07:37 Flabellina exoptata
07:46 Pseudoceros dimidiatus
07:54 Tailspot blenny
08:03 Maritigrella fuscopunctata
08:20 Squat anemone shrimp
08:29 Bristletailed filefish
08:37 Christmas tree worm
08:46 Cycloporus venetus
08:54 Goniobranchus geometricus
09:03 Straightstick pipefish
09:12 Hairy octopus
09:29 Trapania gibbera
09:37 Doriprismatica atromarginata
09:46 Tasselled wobbegong
10:48 Panda butterflyfish
11:47 Whitetail dascyllus
11:55 Giant moray
12:04 Common lionfish
12:12 Tasseled scorpionfish
12:21 Clark's anemonenfish
12:29 False clown anemonefish
12:38 Clark's anemonenfish
12:54 Orange anemonefish
13:03 Broadclub cuttlefish
13:12 Tasselled wobbegong
13:19 Common lionfish
14:02 Redfin anthias
14:10 Yellowbelly damselfish
14:19 Peacock mantis shrimp
15:00 Hypselodoris tryoni
15:09 Halgerda batangas
15:19 Straightstick pipefish
15:29 Banded pipefish with eggs on the belly
15:38 Decorator crab without camouflage
15:50 Decorator crab with camouflage
16:00 Chromodoris magnifica
16:09 Shrimp
16:22 Flamboyant cuttlefish
16:41 Taylor's pygmy filefish
16:53 Dark knee hermit crab
17:02 Ornate ghost pipefish
17:12 Lisa's mantis shrimp
17:24 Banded coral shrimp
17:34 Samoan pipefish
17:45 Leopard flounder
17:55 Broadclub cuttlefish
18:14 Elysia marginata
18:26 Holthuis anemone shrimp
18:36 Electric flame scallop
18:46 Decorator crab
18:53 Pygmy seahorse
18:57 Mandarinfish

Chapters in this video:
00:00 Arriving at Papua Paradise Eco Resort and first Dives
04:20 The P47 Thunderbolt Plane Wreck
06:35 Amazing Critters and Wobegongs
10:39 All the Fishs
14:40 Critters, Critters everywhere

posted by Regv5