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Rahul Vohra on product market fit | Block Party 2021


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Superhuman turned sculpting market fit into a ritual that creates product evangelists. CEO Rahul Vohra shows you how any startup can do it.

0:00 Introduction
0:31 Building the product/market fit engine
0:44 What is product/market fit?
1:54 Can you measure product/market fit?
3:27 Pressure to launch
4:13 Searching for the holy grail
4:52 The leading indicator
6:17 Step 1: Survey
6:55 Ster 2: Segment
7:15 The HXC
10:33 Step 3: Analyze
13:30 Step 4: Implement
14:22 Step 5: Track
14:44 Results
15:15 Contact details
15:40 Coda Doc: The Superhuman product/market fit engine
15:56 Q&A
16:20 Any tips for Zero Inbox Day?
19:23 How did you team feel about ignoring such a large percentage of users to find product/market fit?
21:35 Are there cases where NPS is a better or worse signal than Disappointment Score?
23:27 Beyond feature launches how are your telling your HXCs you’re listening to what they want?
25:13 Would there be anything you might have done differently with this approach if you were building an enterprise/B2B product?
26:17 How do you recommend evangelizing and integrating this system in a startup to drive the roadmap?

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posted by boludelkotur44