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Ragdoll Kittens 12 Weeks Old | So Cute!

Ring of Fire Ragdolls

Ragdoll Kittens 12 Weeks Old | So Cute!

Teacup the adorable ragdoll kitten born at 52g and her fluffy sister kittens are 12 weeks old! Let's catch up on what mischief the kittens have been up to. I have just added some new cat trees and kitten toys to their cat play room, watch them explore!

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0:00 – Kittens Play on Cat Trees
1:30 – Kitten Update
3:53 – Teacup
4:12 – Misty
4:24 – Princess
5:00 – Teapot
6:35 – Weighing the Kittens
13:11 – Kitten Fun

#ragdoll #ragdolls #kitten #tinykittens #cutecats

posted by MDCCLVIII5y