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PUBG 4HR CRASH FIX/WORKAROUND - NVLDDMKM.sys Crashing display driver


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EDIT2: Have had some people mention that they still gettting the crashing however the crash is not being caused by the display driver error!!!. Discord server to follow soon and second video out soon

EDIT: just to clarify this is not a permanent FIX its more of a workaround solution using a DEBUGGING configuration to avoid the crashes.

Im investigating an alternative to this also whereby TDR can remain active but the crashing stops by extending a specific GPUHung value.

Back with another fix for PUBG and gaming in general, the dreaded NVLDDMKM.SYS Crashing error that has plaugued the gaming community for a very long time now. After spending a considerable amount of time troubleshooting this issue and looking into many fixes nothing was surfacing from a gaming stand point. I then started investigating if this was a common occurance outside of gaming and looking into the CUDA Computation side of things and stumbled across articles where this error was found to be very common place.

For moderately demanding things it works fine, but if you execute code/Applications that fully utilizes the video card it can make the graphical user interface unresponsive, or at least very slow to respond. This can happen in Linux as well, in fact, but Windows has a feature called Timeout Detection and Recovery (TDR) built into the Windows Display Driver Model (WDDM) that watches out for that sort of situation and resets the graphics driver if it happens.

Registry information:

REG32_DWORD: TdrLevel
TdrLevel ValueData: 0 – Detection disabled OR 3 (Default) – Recover on timeout


DISCLAIMER: If you do something in the registry incorrectly i am not responsible for anything that can come as a result of that. Im providing this information and fix based on my own testing, knowledge and skillset.

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posted by almightypiggy48