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🔴Proofs That a Narcissist is Done With You 100% | Narcissism | NPD

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Hello everyone, welcome back to our channel. Today, we're delving into an important topic: how can you tell when a relationship with a narcissist is truly over? How do you know when a narcissist has completely moved on from you? The challenge with understanding a narcissist lies in their lack of transparency. They are masters of ambiguity, never making their intentions or feelings clear. They keep you in suspense, offering just enough to keep you hooked, often without a clear indication of their dissatisfaction or plans. This leaves many wondering how to discern the end of such a relationship.

In our discussion today, I'll highlight some major warning signs indicating that your relationship with a narcissist might be coming to an end. Firstly, let's explore the journey of a typical relationship with a narcissist. It often starts with an intense period of affection and admiration, known as the love bombing phase. However, this phase is swiftly followed by devaluation. During this stage, the narcissist begins to criticize and belittle you, expressing dissatisfaction with aspects of your personality or behavior. This shift occurs because the narcissist perceives that you no longer live up to their unrealistic expectations. Narcissists are known for their critical nature, often finding fault in even the smallest details, whether it's something you've said, the way you dress, or any minor action. This behavior stems from their desire for control and superiority, as they feel compelled to assert their dominance and expertise over their partners.

But when does it become clear that a narcissist is truly done with you? A glaring red flag is their apparent disinterest in anything you say or do. For instance, conversations with them become shallow and unengaging, signifying that they've emotionally checked out of the relationship. When a narcissist reaches this point, they no longer invest in arguments or discussions with you. Their indifference becomes apparent—they seem equally content whether or not they see you, talk to you, or even remain in the relationship.

"Disclaimer: The information provided in this video is for educational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you suspect you or someone you know may be involved with a narcissist, or are dealing with any psychological issues, please consult a qualified healthcare professional. This content is shared to offer insights and perspectives and should not be considered as professional or medical counsel."

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posted by zdomskega3w