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Pettit Paint - Captain's Varnish Aerosol application to Boston Whaler teak hatch.

Pettit Paint

Applying Captain's Varnish aerosol to a teak hatch can be a great way to protect and enhance its appearance. Here's a general guide to help you through the process:

Preparation: Ensure that the teak surface is clean and dry before you begin. Remove any dirt, dust, or old varnish using sandpaper or Pettit solvent. Wipe down the surface with a clean cloth to remove any residue.

Ventilation: Work in a wellventilated area to avoid inhaling aerosol fumes. If possible, work outdoors or in a garage with the door open.

Protection: Cover the surrounding area with newspaper or a drop cloth to protect it from overspray. Mask off any areas you don't want to varnish, such as hardware or adjacent surfaces.

Shake the Can: Shake the Captain's aerosol can vigorously for at least a minute to ensure that the varnish is thoroughly mixed.

Test Spray: Before applying the varnish to the teak hatch, test spray on a scrap piece of wood or cardboard to ensure that the nozzle is working properly and to get a feel for the spray pattern.

Apply Coats: Hold the can about 812 inches away from the surface of the teak hatch and spray in smooth, even strokes, overlapping each pass 50%.

Allow to Dry: Let the first coat dry completely according to the instructions on the can. Avoid touching the surface while it's drying.

Sand Between Coats (optional): After the first coat has dried, lightly sand the surface with finegrit sandpaper (around 220 grit) to smooth out any imperfections or raised grain. Wipe away any dust with a tack cloth before applying subsequent coats. Sanding can be avoided when applying coats within 24 hours and preventing debris from getting lodged in coating.

Apply Additional Coats: Repeat the spraying and drying process for 45 more coats, or until you achieve the desired level of protection and sheen. Remember to sand lightly between each coat for optimal results.

Final Cure: Allow the final coat to dry and cure fully according to the Product Data Sheet. Avoid exposing the varnished surface to moisture or heavy use during this time.

Cleanup: Clean up any overspray or drips with 120 Brushing Thinner thinner while the varnish is still wet. Once the varnish has dried, it can be challenging to remove without damaging the underlying surface.

Following these steps should help you achieve a professionallooking finish and protect your teak hatch for years to come.

posted by a2uttui