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Persona 3 FES: The Abyss of Time (Doors 1 - 7)


Also known as Interstice of Time
Door 1 Malebolge
Door 2 Cocytus
Door 3 Caina
Door 4 Antenora
Door 5 Ptolomea
Door 6 Judecca
Door 7 Empyrean
Welp I know it's weird to post something this random out of nowhere. But I'll have to say if you are still subbed to me, you should probably unsubscribe if you don't know what I'm posting. I'll probably be posting memes or music.
I made this because there was no video like this I found on Youtube. Everyone is a lazy and doesn't want to rip the tracks from the Abyss of Time. So, I took all the variants of the tracks and put them in order. This is the only video of this I saw on YT. People just took the soundtrack version of it which has all of these songs merged into one.
Also this took like 12 hours to make.
I tried to make them fade seamlessly into each other so if it sounds weird when fading I'm sorry.
I had to:
Get the .iso of the game (P3FES)
Extract the .iso
Extract the music files (.ADX)
Listen to all of them so I knew which were which
Convert .ADX to .wav
Mix the tracks in Audacity and make them fade into each other so it doesn't sound choppy when going to the next track
Listen and make corrections
Make Timestamps
Make Thumbnail/BG image
Generate the visualizer
Export the visualizer
Add captions and the piece together all the music, images, captions visualizer etc.
Then export it all.
I actually don't know which part took the most time.
Anyways, enjoy. Do not reupload, always link to this video.
Thanks for watching.

posted by mailowyl2