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Persian Cats Amazing and unbelievable transformation.

Good life with Rehab

Please read the description for the complete treatment procedure I used, I am sorry for not being able to respond to individual comments.

1. I used Sulphur solution, spray it directly on affected area, avoiding face.
Sulphur is available in most of the pet stores and clinic.

2. Keep the surrounding clean, I used bleaching powder to mop the floors to avoid further infection

3. She was too weak, so used nutrition supplement drink. Ventipro (available in pet shops )

4. Vet advised multi vitamin drops for faster recovery available in pet shops.

5. Pre biotic was suggested by veterinaran for her diarrhoea, pls consult dr before giving any medications.

related tags; #persiancat #persiankitten #persiankittencare
Persian Cats Amazing, Unbelievable cat transformation.
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my cat when she was sick
   • My cat when she was suffering from fu...  

posted by Babypillew6