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PERMANENTLY FIX your Plantar Fasciitis! (updated evidence)

Jennifer Chew, MPT

Do you get that sharp stabby pain on your heel when you first step out of bed? If that sounds like you and you want to permanently get rid of your heel pain, these exercises are your longterm solution to resolving your heel pain.

And no, icing and resting is not your longterm solution!

Try these exercises out and make sure you follow my tips and tricks on proper execution of these exercises!

1. Knee to wall ankle mobility drill
2. Calf raises off step with ball squeeze
3. Banded great toe flexion
4. Single leg balance with weight shifts

LIKE the video if you learned anything new :)
And thank you as always for watching! SUBSCRIBE if you want more content from me in the future :)

DISCLAIMER: This video is for informational purposes only and is not individualized medical advice. Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new exercise program. Please use the information here with discretion and adjust according to your own fitness level and health conditions.

posted by ozakonili15