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[Osaka Castlevania] A picture perfect picnic at the Osaka Castle

The Taisei Showタイセイショー

Hi, hello, and welcome back to the Taisei Show!
Thank you so much for joining us once again.
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Today I decided to hang around the Osaka Castle, a prominent tourist destination in Osaka.
The castle is surrounded by a vast forest, and boasts a magnificent scenery all year around.
There's a plethora of benches, parks, playgrounds, and other resting areas open to anyone and everyone. Locals enjoy a wide variety of activities, including exercise, picnics, nature photography, dog walking, etc. Would make one sweet smoke spot for some serious 420 action!

While I heard through the grapevine that a bunch of feral cats live around the vicinity, unfortunately I wasn't able to locate any while I was out there.
The weather was a bit dreary to begin with, and it started to rain after twenty minutes into shooting, so I suspect those wise felines all fled for safety.
Anyways, I hope you enjoy!

맛집투어로도 유명한 오사카에서 벤또투어도 있다고 하더군요.
그만큼 유명한 일본의 도시락, 오벤또!
오사카 곳곳에는 냉동식품을 사용하지 않고 제철식재료로 만드는 일본가정식 벤또전문점이 있는데요. 꼬옥 한번 맛보시길 바라는 마음에 소개하게 되었어요.
영상에서 소개하는 가게는 오사카성과는 거리가 좀 있는 모모다니라는 역에 있는데요. 홈페이지에 보면 지점별 위치를 자세히 소개하고 있으니 한번 살펴보고 가보시길 권합니다.

#Osaka Castle
#Bento Box

posted by sicsdofsfefi0