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One2feed - Double Feed pusher Goats - Automatic feeding


We make Feeding systems according to your requirements. The system is built to give you a better life on the farm. This comes from custom made options that fits your farm, or it can come from our wide selections off standard components that will make your everyday life on the farm better.

We are specialists in feeding, together with the farmer we are putting a masterclass system together that fits in the stable and can handles the specific ingredients used by the farmer giving the farmer a better life on the farm.

A better life on the farm.
Tlf. 87572777 [email protected]

Fütterungsroboter, Futterschieber, Automatisches Futterschieber, Mixer, Automatisches mixer, Futtermagazin, Querförderband, Fütterküche, Fütterung, feeding cows, Mixer, Automatic feeding, feeding robot, One2Feed, Feed pusher, Silage Hopper, Fôrkjøkken, Fôringssystemet, fôrskyver, Automatisk fôrskyver, Matebord, Feedhopper, Utfodring, automatisk fôringssystem, automatiska utfodringssystem, automatiska mixar, Utfodringsroboten, Robotic Feeding

posted by frezareyz