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NordicTrack Commercial 1750 Review (Personal)

Brandon Geekabit

Unbiased selfpurchased NordicTrack Commercial 1750 treadmill review. The normal price is $1799 on NordicTrack's website. I happened to buy it from Amazon for $1999 but with a special 15% cashback promo on the Amazon credit card.

Delivery was also seamless, schedule, and delivered to your frontdoor. Assembly was timely but not difficult.

The treadmill is nice, solid, and sturdy. A bit pricy but definitely a noticeable upgrade from the T series NordicTrack. It's got a larger deck and a little more power and sturdier construction. Perfect for my daily 30 min runs. Comparable to gyms but definitely not as nice as gym quality. It is a good middle ground between the gym and home use equipment, with it slightly leaning towards the home use side. But again still very capable and a big upgrade from any entrylevel/medium treadmill.

posted by e4g3u4u4c1