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Neckline and Jowls And New Course Announcement

Third Age Mojo

People WILL notice your tight jawline!
Today's practice is the Swan Neck with some jowl work, which everyone loves.
It was kind of challenging for me to practice face yoga with younger women.
The fact that they already looked great to me was a little discouraging.
That's why I created Third Age Face Yoga as a more comfortable place to look closely at our "areas of concern" than with younger women.
That's also why I'm announcing a new course called , Healthier, Happier, and More Confident in Just 7 Days.
It’s three different poses a day for 7Days.
Each day’s class takes @ 15 minutes.
Every day there is a pose for forehead and eyes, mouth and cheeks, and jawline and neck.
You will be healthier, happier, and more confident in 7 Days.
After these seven days are over, you can begin again.
And again and again.
Some people see results in one week.
After two to three weeks you will see results.
In the course, I’ve got instructions for taking your “before” photos and a suggestion for a mirror I love.
The course has got a private group where we can discuss the poses, share questions and success stories.
We can also talk about poses specific to your areas of concern.
I’ve gotten ideas from all the different courses I’ve taken and created one that I think you will just love.
More details to come this week!

Welcome to Third Age Mojo where we are redefining aging and you are encouraged to rediscover yourself; to be confident, joyful, and healthy.
Check out our website at https://thirdagemojo.com and hop over to our Facebook group at   / thirdlifemojo  .
Don’t forget to sign up for our weekly newsletter at https://thirdagemojo.com/5simplehab... chocked full of the info you need to succeed.

posted by laydlayout5kn